My web browsers do not work normally. Actually my homepage is changed to an site called Green-Wall Ads which I don’t know at all. What is happening to my computer? Now the whole computer is as slow as the speed of a snail. And my network is unstable since it is disconnected often. I am quiet uncomfortable with it. How to get rid of this annoying thing and make my computer work normally? Please advise!
Green-Wall Ads Description:
Green-Wall Ads is classified as a vicious adware program which is able to earn revenue by distributing pay per click ads. This adware is capable to forcibly reroute the default homepage to its website by changing the registry entries and start-up items. It adds toolbars or browser helper objects to browser, providing online advertising platform and unsafe domain redirects to gain profit for its creator. And it is hard to find how this adware spreads as it utilizes different methods to help its installation. Every time you launch the browser, you will find your homepage has been redirected to Green-Wall Ads. You will encounter traffic as the annoying targeted ads, coupons and advertising banners are showing crazily on your screen. And those ads are mainly unwanted things related to malicious commercial websites which trick you into buying other potentially unwanted services or programs.
Green-Wall Ads has the ability to drop its rubbish files to your system to eat up a large amount of system space. And as a result, it makes the computer suffer from a degraded performance considerably by carrying out process in background. For instance, it will slow down the running speed of the computer along with Internet speed. It replicates itself and corrupts files as well as normal applications on your computer. What is more, it can automatically disable the antivirus and administrative tools so as it can’t be removed. The most common way for this adware to sneak into your computer is through free downloads and fake updates. As a matter of fact, if the adware is not deleted promptly, it will make use of system vulnerabilities to make way for Trojans, spyware, malware and etc to damage your system. If your computer has already been infected by it, removal should be executed on time before this nasty adware damages your computer seriously.
Green-Wall Ads May Initiate the Following Symptoms:
1. It can not only change your web pages, but also alter other settings to add toolbars, pop-up advertisements, and bookmarks that you did not create.
2. It can modify the homepage settings of your web browser, more commonly by reducing your internet security options. And the worse thing is it prevents you from changing them back.
3. New toolbars or Favorites are installed that give you icons and links to web pages that you don’t want.
4. It may block you from visiting certain website you’d like to visit and show an error page instead.
5. It will display constant pop-up ads, sometimes in such large amounts that you are not able to close neither the ads nor the browser.
Green-Wall Ads is designed by the hackers to achieve their commercial purpose. Once this adware got installed, it will add new toolbar and application in your system. And it can generate various intrusive online advertisements to annoy you greatly. If you click these generated ads, it is likely to lead to high-risk infections to your computer. In addition, this program tracks user’s browsing history to get various data such as ID number, usernames, accounts and etc. Actually, this adware can hide its presence secretly to bypass the antivirus programs’ detection. So Green-Wall Ads must be removed in the effectively manual way once detected if you want to keep your computer from threat.
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