DiscountCow seems like legit software that can provide you lots of useful shopping information like discount, coupons, and other banners. However, DiscountCowis nothing more than an adware program downloaded into your computer without permission. If you have some troubles on uninstall this program from your computer. You can follow this post to get to know some more solutions.
Like I said, DiscountCow is an adware program. It is created by cyber criminal for displaying advertising information or promoting some kinds of software on your computer. This program usually distributes on those non-official websites. As long as you click its malicious link, this program will be automatically downloaded into you computer without you permission. Besides, DiscountCow can also be bundled on another free program, and it can be installed followed with the freeware that you download into your computer.
DiscountCow, this is an extremely nasty program that can randomly and maliciously changes the default settings of your computer, adding a bunch of malicious plug-ins and other unwanted things like a toolbar into your computer without permission. When you use your browser, it pops up a window to ask you update your video player, system driver and these sorts of things, and if you do what it asks and click the link, your browser can be redirected to another infected website or pointed to download a malware into your computer.
Anyway, if you see this DiscountCow in your computer, you are needed to do everything you can do uninstall from your computer. Now, I will show you a couple of methods that you can follow. Now, let’s check it out.
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